Why extract wisdom teeth?
Have you ever wondered why my 3rd molars need to be removed? Extraction of the 3rd molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, is one of the most common surgical procedures in dentistry. The purpose of removing these teeth is often preventive, as there are several risks associated with wisdom teeth. In particular, there is a higher risk of developing cysts or tumors around wisdom teeth embedded in bone. There is also a greater risk of pericoronitis (gum infection) around semi-included teeth. Moreover, when the 3rd molar erupts, it could damage the second molars if the wisdom tooth is in a horizontal or semi-horizontal position in relation to the other teeth. This can lead to decay on both the wisdom tooth and the 2nd molar, or resorption, meaning the destruction of tooth substance. Another reason why wisdom teeth are more easily decayed is that they’re far back in the mouth, so they’re harder for the toothbrush to reach and are often neglected. Finally, for orthodontic reasons, your wisdom teeth may have to be removed to make room for your other teeth and avoid overlapping, aka crooked teeth!
Please note! Removing wisdom teeth is not indicated for everyone. If they have erupted correctly and are easy to clean on your own, there’s no reason to extract them. Consult your dentist to discuss what would be the best option for you.
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