Government aid and tax benefits for your dental care

Government aid and tax benefits for your dental care

Many don’t have access to the dental care they need, mainly due to financial constraints. According to the federal government’s website, a third of Canadian citizens don’t have dental insurance, and in 2018, more than one in five Canadians said they had denied themselves dental care because of the cost. To alleviate this problem, the government introduced the Canada Dental Benefit to give back to uninsured families. The benefit is designed to provide dental care to families earning less than $90,000 a year, enabling eligible children under the age of 12 to get the dental care they need. Each child could receive between $260 and $650 annually to cover dental expenses. However, your child must receive dental care between October 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 to be eligible for the first benefit period. As of July 1, 2023, there will be a second benefit period. We invite you to visit the Government of Canada website to learn more about this program:

RAMQ dental care coverage

In Quebec, the provincial health insurance card covers certain dental services, especially for children. Children aged 9 and under with a Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec card (carte soleil) can receive free annual dental check-ups, X-rays and several other treatments, including cavity fillings. However, dental cleanings are not covered by the RAMQ. Find out more about treatment coverage from the Régie d’assurance maladie du Québec on the following website:

Tax benefits of dental care

Did you know that your dental expenses may be tax deductible? In fact, if you paid out-of-pocket for dental care or had a portion not reimbursed by your insurance, you may be entitled to claim them as eligible medical expenses on your income tax and benefit return. This would allow you to obtain a tax credit if your medical expenses exceed a certain threshold. Most dental expenses can be used as deductions, but cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening are exceptions.

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